$(document).ready(function() { "use strict"; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------* * PRE LOADER * -------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ $(window).load(function() { $('#status').delay(300).fadeOut(); $('#preloader').delay(300).fadeOut('slow'); }) /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------* * ADD ANIMATION TO SPECIFIC ELEMENTS * -------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ $('.tags li').hover(function() { $(this).find('a').toggleClass("wow flipInY animated"); }); // $('.f-social li').hover(function() { $(this).find('a').toggleClass("wow swing animated"); }); $('.social a').hover(function() { $(this).find('p').toggleClass("wow fadeInDown animated"); }); $('a.read-more').hover(function() { $(this).find('span').toggleClass("wow flipInY animated"); }); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------* * GO TO TOP * -------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ $.scrollUp(); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------* * MODAL BOXES & POP UP WINDOWS OR IMAGES * -------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ $('.open-popup-link').magnificPopup({ removalDelay: 500, //delay removal by X to allow out-animation callbacks: { beforeOpen: function() { this.st.mainClass = this.st.el.attr('data-effect'); } }, midClick: true // allow opening popup on middle mouse click. Always set it to true if you don't provide alternative source. }); $('#image-popups').magnificPopup({ delegate: 'a', type: 'image', removalDelay: 500, //delay removal by X to allow out-animation callbacks: { beforeOpen: function() { // just a hack that adds mfp-anim class to markup this.st.image.markup = this.st.image.markup.replace( 'mfp-figure', 'mfp-figure mfp-with-anim'); this.st.mainClass = this.st.el.attr('data-effect'); } }, closeOnContentClick: true, midClick: true // allow opening popup on middle mouse click. Always set it to true if you don't provide alternative source. }); $('.popup-youtube, .popup-vimeo, .popup-gmaps').magnificPopup({ disableOn: 700, type: 'iframe', mainClass: 'mfp-fade', removalDelay: 160, preloader: true, fixedContentPos: false }); $('.popup-img').magnificPopup({ type: 'image' }); // This will create a single gallery from all elements that have class "gallery-item" $('.gallery-item').magnificPopup({ type: 'image', gallery: { enabled: true } }); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------* * MASONRY * -------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ var $container = $('.grid').masonry({ itemSelector: '.masonry-item', }); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------* * MASONRY BLOG LINK NUDGING * -------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ $('.masonry-item a.more').hover(function() { //mouse in $(this).animate({ paddingLeft: '30px' }, 400); }, function() { //mouse out $(this).animate({ paddingLeft: 15 }, 400); 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}; datetime = $('#time-date') update(); setInterval(update, 1000); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------* * STYLE SWITCHER * -------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ $('#switcher').styleSwitcher({ useCookie: true }); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------* * SEARCH BAR * -------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ // Hide search wrap by default; $(".search-container").hide(); $(".toggle-search").on("click", function(e) { // Prevent default link behavior e.preventDefault(); // Stop propagation e.stopPropagation(); // Toggle search-wrap $(".search-container").slideToggle(500, function() { // Focus on the search bar // When animation is complete $("#search-bar").focus(); }); }); // Close the search bar if user clicks anywhere $(document).click(function(e) { var searchWrap = $(".search-container"); if (!searchWrap.is(e.target) && searchWrap.has(e.target).length === 0) { searchWrap.slideUp(500); } }); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------* * ADDING SLIDE UP AND ANIMATION TO DROPDOWN * -------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ enquire.register("screen and (min-width:767px)", { match: function() { $(".dropdown").hover(function() { $('.dropdown-menu', this).stop().fadeIn("slow"); }, function() { $('.dropdown-menu', this).stop().fadeOut("slow"); }); }, }); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------* * DROPDOWN LINK NUDGING * -------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ $('.dropdown-menu a').hover(function() { //mouse in $(this).animate({ paddingLeft: '30px' }, 400); }, function() { //mouse out $(this).animate({ paddingLeft: 20 }, 400); }); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------* * STICKY NAVIGATION * -------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ $(window).scroll(function() { if ($(window).scrollTop() >= 99) { $('.nav-search-outer').addClass('navbar-fixed-top'); } if ($(window).scrollTop() >= 100) { $('.nav-search-outer').addClass('show'); } else { $('.nav-search-outer').removeClass('show navbar-fixed-top'); } }); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------* * OWL CAROUSEL * -------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ $("#banner-thumbs").owlCarousel({ autoPlay: true, //Set AutoPlay to 3 seconds navigation: false, stopOnHover: true, pagination: false, items: 4, itemsDesktop: [1199, 4 ], itemsDesktopSmall: [ 979, 3 ], itemsTablet: [768, 3], itemsMobile: [479, 1], }); $("#vid-thumbs").owlCarousel({ navigation: false, pagination: true, slideSpeed: 300, paginationSpeed: 400, singleItem: true, }); $("#owl-lifestyle").owlCarousel({ autoPlay: false, //Set AutoPlay to 3 seconds navigation: true, pagination: false, items: 3, itemsDesktop: [1199, 3 ], itemsDesktopSmall: [ 979, 2 ], itemsTablet: [768, 2], itemsMobile: [479, 1], }); $("#owl-blog").owlCarousel({ navigation: true, pagination: false, slideSpeed: 300, paginationSpeed: 400, singleItem: true, }); var time = 4; // time in seconds var $progressBar, $bar, $elem, isPause, tick, percentTime; var sync1 = $("#sync1"); var sync2 = $("#sync2"); sync1.owlCarousel({ singleItem: true, slideSpeed: 1000, navigation: true, pagination: false, transitionStyle: "fadeUp", afterAction: syncPosition, responsiveRefreshRate: 200, afterInit: progressBar, afterMove: moved, startDragging: pauseOnDragging }); sync2.owlCarousel({ items: 4, itemsDesktop: [1199, 4 ], itemsDesktopSmall: [ 979, 3 ], itemsTablet: [768, 3], itemsMobile: [479, 3], pagination: false, responsiveRefreshRate: 100, afterInit: function(el) { el.find(".owl-item").eq(0).addClass("synced"); } }); function syncPosition(el) { var current = this.currentItem; $("#sync2").find(".owl-item").removeClass("synced").eq(current).addClass( "synced") if ($("#sync2").data("owlCarousel") !== undefined) { center(current) } } $("#sync2").on("click", ".owl-item", function(e) { e.preventDefault(); var number = $(this).data("owlItem"); sync1.trigger("owl.goTo", number); }); function center(number) { var sync2visible = sync2.data("owlCarousel").owl.visibleItems; var num = number; var found = false; for (var i in sync2visible) { if (num === sync2visible[i]) { var found = true; } } if (found === false) { if (num > sync2visible[sync2visible.length - 1]) { sync2.trigger("owl.goTo", num - sync2visible.length + 2) } else { if (num - 1 === -1) { num = 0; } sync2.trigger("owl.goTo", num); } } else if (num === sync2visible[sync2visible.length - 1]) { sync2.trigger("owl.goTo", sync2visible[1]) } else if (num === sync2visible[0]) { sync2.trigger("owl.goTo", num - 1) } } //Init progressBar where elem is $("#owl-demo") function progressBar(elem) { $elem = elem; //build progress bar elements buildProgressBar(); //start counting start(); } //create div#progressBar and div#bar then prepend to $("#owl-demo") function buildProgressBar() { $progressBar = $("
", { id: "progressBar" }); $bar = $("
", { id: "bar" }); $progressBar.append($bar).prependTo($elem); } function start() { //reset timer percentTime = 0; isPause = false; //run interval every 0.01 second tick = setInterval(interval, 10); }; function interval() { if (isPause === false) { percentTime += 1 / time; $bar.css({ width: percentTime + "%" }); //if percentTime is equal or greater than 100 if (percentTime >= 100) { //slide to next item $elem.trigger('owl.next') } } } //pause while dragging function pauseOnDragging() { isPause = true; } //moved callback function moved() { //clear interval clearTimeout(tick); //start again start(); } jQuery($elem).on('mouseover', function() { isPause = true; }); jQuery($elem).on('mouseout', function() { isPause = false; }); });